Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Baron Sathonyx Conversion Part 1


Seeing as there is currently no baron sathonyx model, I decided to make my own so I thought I might take some pictures of it and list a sort of mini tutorial of what I have done so far to go with photos

What I used:

- Hellion skyboard(obviously) - the one you only get one of closely resembles the one sathonyx has in the art for him
- A pair of hellion legs (preferably ones with a bent right leg and straight left if you are wanting to match the codex art for him)
- A male front torso (preferably with leather as that’s what he seems to have in the art) you could use either a wych or hellion
- A dark elf corsair cloak & torso (one with a simple collar works better)
- A hellglaive arm (there is two good options to choose from in the hellion box, I chose the one with the curved arm over the straight as I think it sits better)
- The hellion arm that can be used to have a hellion hold onto the skyboard (or if you have any other more suitable arms that would be good)
- A suitable elf looking head (I'm planning on using one of the heads from the corsairs)

PLUS an optional skull accessory taken from the hellion sprue if you want

(This was a simple conversion so there isn’t much to say about it, everything can basically be seen from the photos)

My inspiration for this conversion was of course the one of the baron in the codex codex

Basically once I had decided on all the bits I started by putting together the skyboard(so far all I’ve done to it is add the phantasm grenade launchers to it, haven’t thought about what else I could do to make it more unique to the rest)


After doing that I put the legs together, and cut the circular bit off of the corsairs cloak/torso making it flat so that the hellion front torso could go on( a bit of green stuff was also used to fill in the gaps






Once the torso was taken care of I attached it to the legs trying to put it in a position as close to the codex art as possible

I then added the left arm, followed by a bit of green stuff onto where the right arm goes so that it was better positioned.





I then attached him to the skyboard






Pretty much all that is left to do of him now apart from paint him is clean up the green stuff, give him a shoulder pad on his left arm (just going to use one from the hellion sprue and maybe add some extra stuff to it), then I will trim the neck a bit so I can put his head on, after that I only need to add the accessory under his cloak and try and uniqueify his skyboard and he is ready to paint.



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